Episode 3
Celia's Birth Story: This is all lovely, but I need the drugs
Welcome to Friday Night Moms, a monthly podcast where we grab drinks and unpack the new normal of motherhood.
We’re your hosts Celia and Danielle, long-time friends, entrepreneurs, and #boymoms. Celia is an interior designer and owner of the online concept store, Sticki Icki, and Danielle is a social entrepreneur, marketer, photo producer, and owner of a photography production agency.
Episode Summary
In this episode, Celia shares her birth story. Celia’s labor rapidly progressed and though she advocated for herself, so many factors were out of her control during the labor and delivery process. Her journey included lots of vomiting, drugs, and several “come on now, sis!!!” moments.
Links to Things we Mentioned
- Midwife videos Celia watched during pregnancy
- Celia’s lovely doula
- The rundown on placenta positioning
- The app Celia used to track contractions
- Information about VBAC (Vaginal Birth After C-Section)
- Atlantic article referencing the business of c-sections
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